Recent Research and Products

Selected recent publications by members of the network are featured below.

Social Capital, Migration and Health in the Urban Chinese Context

Effects of SB 1070 on children

Computer training to empower day laborers: A heat map to address emotional barriers and technical skills

Cultural Differences in Targets of Stigmatization Between Individual- and Group-Oriented Cultures

The cultural politics of "the Middle East" in the Americas: An introduction

Stress, mental health, and burnout in national humanitarian aid workers in gulu, northern uganda

Health needs and access to care in immigration detention: Perceptions of former detainees

Service utilization for latino children in mixed-status families

Mapping the key issues shaping the landscape of global public health

Not all ideologies are created equal: Epistemic, existential, and relational needs PREDICT system-justifying attitudes

The New African Diaspora in Vancouver: Migration, Exclusion, and Belonging

Migrant Workers' community in China: Relationships among social networks, life satisfaction and political participation

Cosmopolitanism and Zoroastrianism in Moby-Dick

Political hair: Occupational Licensing and the Regulation of Race and Gender Identity

Does supervision improve health worker productivity? Evidence from the Upper East Region of Ghana

The frontier of gottfried liedl: Situating the origins of european modernity in nasrid granada

Legislative agenda setting for in-state resident tuition policies: Immigration, representation, and educational access

Satisfaction with health care among Latinas

Transpolitical spaces in transnational French cinemas: Vampires and the illusions of national borders and universal citizenship

I Felt Like My Heart Was Staying Behind: Psychological Implications of Family Separations & Reunifications for Immigrant Youth

Sexuality, rights and personhood: Tensions in a transnational world

The economics of cultural transmission and socialization

Social mobility of migrant peasant workers in China

Social capital and community participation among migrant workers in China

Higher education and children in immigrant families

Immigrants raising citizens: Undocumented parents and their young children

Managing the growing impacts of development on fragile coastal and marine systems: Lessons from the Gulf

Islam, gender and the nation: The social life of Bangladeshi fatwas

Determinants of oral health care utilization among diverse groups of immigrants in New York City

Liberalism and the limits of inclusion: Race and immigration law in the Americas, 1850-2000

Household density among undocumented mexican immigrants in New York City

Cosmopolitan baku

Toward Positive Youth Development: Transforming Schools and Community Programs

Migrant workers in China: Rights and security

Cross-national interaction and cultural similarity: A relational analysis

The rise and fall of a micro-learning region: Mexican immigrants and construction in center-south Philadelphia