Recent Research and Products

Selected recent publications by members of the network are featured below.

Scripting indianness: Remediating narratives of diasporic affiliation and authenticity

Risk and Resiliency in the Relationship Between Widowhood and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Mexican Americans

How Their Laws Affect our Laws: Mechanisms of Immigration Policy Diffusion in the Americas, 1790–2010

HIV Testing, Risk Behaviors, and Fear: A Comparison of Documented and Undocumented Latino Immigrants

The impact of supplementary immunization activities on routine vaccination coverage: An instrumental variable analysis in five low-income countries

HIV Risk Among Displaced Adolescent Girls in Ethiopia: the Role of Gender Attitudes and Self-Esteem

Alternative kinship structures, resilience and social support among immigrant trans Latinas in the USA

Evaluation of the Integrated Intervention for Dual Problems and Early Action among Latino Immigrants with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Misuse Symptoms: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Health disparities among aging migrants

Strategies for overcoming language barriers in research

A prospective study on the impact and out-of-pocket costs of dengue illness in international travelers

Racial and ethnic group differences in intelligence in the United States: Multicultural perspectives

eBook: Methods and applications in implementation science

Hypertension Prevalence Jointly Influenced by Acculturation and Gender in US Immigrant Groups

Documentation Status and Psychological Distress Among New York City Community College Students

Diaspora as Home: The Global Community of Ahmadi Muslims

Health Service Use Among Chinese American Older Adults: Is There a Somatization Effect?

Review of Walter Scheidel's the Great Leveler: Violence and the history of inequality from the Stone Age to the twenty-first century

Towards comprehensive observing and modeling systems for monitoring and predicting regional to coastal sea level

Embedded EU Research on Refugee Protection: FRA’s work on asylum and irregular migration

US nursing and midwifery research capacity building opportunities to achieve the United Nations sustainable development goals

Mexican men, female sex workers and HIV/AIDS at the U.S.-Mexico border

Migration and cognitive function: a conceptual framework for Global Health Research

Cosmopolitan Reading in the Classroom: Local and Global

Cultural Difference

Cosmopolitanism and Multidisciplinarity

Service use, participation, experiences, and outcomes among older adult immigrants in american adult day service centers: An integrative review of the literature

Preventing violence against refugee adolescent girls: Findings from a cluster randomised controlled trial in Ethiopia

Gendering mole: masculinity and transnational cooking

Misconceptions and the Truth about Jeju Yemeni Refugees, as seen by an NYU Professor. Sang-hyun Goh for CBS (Christian Broadcasting System)

Cosmopolitanism and Knowledge: Keynote Lecture

Virus and CTL dynamics in the extrafollicular and follicular tissue compartments in SIV-infected macaques

Perspective taking can promote short-term inclusionary behavior toward Syrian refugees

World changes in inequality: An overview of facts, causes, consequences, and policies

Ethnic diversity, poverty and social trust in Germany: Evidence from a behavioral measure of trust

McSeVIC: A model checking based framework for security vulnerability analysis of integrated circuits